Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pomegranate Juice - Do You Believe The Hype?

Is pomegranate juice something that you would consider drinking first thing in the morning? Most people will wake up in the morning and either reach for a glass of orange juice or go for the coffee machine. There is people that are stuck in this routine and it would be very hard to change there daily habits. I wonder by the end of this article could I have persuaded you to think a different way and if not change your habits then maybe persuade you to try something a little different.
Pomegranates have been around for hundreds of years but have only seemed to explode on the markets recently. Until recent years the fruit would really only be found in specialized fruit stores or Asian type supermarkets but nowadays the fruit is everywhere. These days the fruit can be found as a pomegranate juice, pomegranate smoothie, pomegranate jam or even a pomegranate jelly. To be honest up until recently id only ever heard of the fruit but never actually tasted it. I think the fact that the fruit is now grown in Europe and the USA it has now become more accessible to the western word.
Another reason I think the fruit has jumped recently into the media spot light is because of the health benefits being attributed with the fruit. In recent times the medical industry has carried out a lot of clinical tests and research on the fruit and have been releasing the results slowly over the recent years. To date the tests and research are still ongoing but the medical profession have came out and called the fruit a super fruit. The fruit has shown to help reduce high blood pressure which with all the processed fruit being consumed daily is on the rise. The fruit has also shown to help reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol in the blood. This is great news as the amount of middle aged people suffering from high blood pressure and high cholesterol is greatly on the rise. Just cutting down on these two points can cut your chances of getting heart disease and strokes.
Now armed with this information do you think you could start drinking pomegranate juice in the morning instead of coffee. The juice has also shown to boost your immune system and help you to feel more energized. Why not give it a try for a few weeks and see if you can feel the benefits. It makes more sense as it will save you money from buying coffee and will also be better for you in the long term.
Do you believe the hype surrounding pomegranate juice or do you believe the pomegranate health benefits claimed. If your interested in finding out more information then why not visit:

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