Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pomegranate Nutrition - Pomegranate More Nutritional Than Most Fruits and Helps With Burning Fat

Researches indicate that the capacity of antioxidant in this fruit is two or three times higher than that of red wine and green tea. It is also higher than many known fruits like blueberries, cranberries and oranges.
Vitamin B varieties such as riboflavin, thiamin and niacin (niacin is a prime vitamin B3 for treatment of depression) are also in high content in pomegranate. You could also find vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium in it. All these as well as other minerals found in this fruit are a great combination that reverses and prevents many diseases.
So How Does All This Connects to Weight Loss:
Pomegranate is a powerful fruit. It aids your immune system to keep you healthy. It gives you energy and power and if you have got those you can benefit more from your exercises and other foods you include in your diet. Burning fat and calorie and building muscle has to start with a healthy body. You have to be physically and mentally strong to be able to achieve your goal of losing fat and bulking muscles up.
Excuse me for a minute as I go to prepare myself another whole pomegranate to eat.
Eating pomegranate means separating all the seeds from the skin and putting them in a small bowl. Then just eat those seeds as they are. It is a bit like exercising. The seeds have a thin layer of flesh which is sweet and very tasty and under this there is the stone itself. A very little one that you have to chew and swallow. See the seeds as a whole contain all the nutrients in pomegranate and if you only eat the flesh and throw away the stone you are missing out.
Like exercise, the stone is hard, however once you chew on it for awhile it softens and you get used to it, see - exercise is hard, at least the ones Mike Geary suggests in his book 'Truth about Abs' as they are all based on bursts of exertion. However if you commit to it you will see results and your body gets use to them.
At the moment - summer in New Zealand - there are plenty of pomegranate available in shops. The price range between $2-$5 each, expensive I know but your health is priceless. How about giving up at least one beer a day in average and instead spend less on one pomegranate. Something to think about huh?
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Roy Gol is an expert Nutrition Adviser and creator and owner of Acai House where you get instant access to Truth about Six Pack Abs
I invite you to visit my blog and find out what Truth about Six Pack Abs has to offer. Start your journey to lose weight while doing fun exercises at home and eating tasty fatty food

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